Wyoming Symphony Orchestra
Stephanie Ann Boyd
Price - Dances in the Canebrakes
Bizet - Carmen Suites
Boyd - Julia Louisa Esther
The WSO’s “Suffragette Symphony” is a passion project for everyone involved and, after an extended wait, we are so excited to present the World Premiere of Julia Louisa Esther by rising composer Stephanie Ann Boyd. Julia Louisa Esther was commissioned in 2019 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of women's voting rights in Wyoming, and the nation’s 100th anniversary. Before writing the piece, Boyd traveled to Wyoming to experience its beauty, character, and cultural heritage. This concert will not only be the premier of Boyd’s composition but will additionally feature a panel discussion about women’s suffrage and the road ahead for Wyoming women during Women’s History Month 2022.
To round out this unique program the WSO will perform works centering around women and their experiences such as Florence Price’s Dances in the Canebrakes and selections from Bizet’s Carmen Suite.